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Designed by Concorde BGW, the 2,638-square foot, 174 cover site (150 indoor, 24 outdoor) provides Harrogate with a unique, all-day bar offering. The design scheme emulates the foundry factory aesthetic through industrial inspired décor, with walls featuring a mix of distressed timber and aged metal wall cladding, and a dark colour palette throughout. The project has been defined at ‘the happiest place in Harrogate” with its industrial Luxe feel and bohemian atmosphere.

Both the raised dining space and lower bar feature hanging lights, metallic mesh panelling and exposed copper beams. Seating includes banquettes, Chesterfield-style sofas and traditional dining settings on both levels.

The large charred timber bar which runs the full width of the lower floor, showcases its ales with 3 large copper tanks being the main feature, alongside bespoke fonts with a distressed metal finish. Feature white hexagonal tiles to the rear contrast against the copper and dark timber elements and hand-painted, pastel coloured tiles embellish the front of the bar adding a feminine touch.

Foundry Project has evolved from the opening of Foundry 39 in Edinburgh in 2016. Also designed by Concorde BGW

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